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ïîäïèñàòüñÿThe Institute for the Humanities and IT offers the applicants an opportunity to become the students of its twenty specialties and eight departments, such as the Department of Law, the Department of Economics and Management, the Department of Foreign Languages, the Department of Journalism, the Psychology Department, the Department of Sociology and PR, the IT in Business Department and a very unique to the Russian institutions of higher learning for the humanities, the Department of Drama. This Department's professional staff is led by Vladimir Borisovitch Korenev, People's Artiste of Russia, and artistic director of the Department of Drama. Needless to say, that they are doing their best to educate and train the future actors.
Since 2011 V.B.Korenev's Drama School which exists within the framework of the IGUMO Department of Drama is in the process of a recruitment drive.
Vladimir Borisovitch Korenev is an iconic actor and an idol of several generations. He is also the key actor of The Stanislavski Academic Drama Theatre of Moscow.
Throughout his career V.B.Korenev has played such roles as Ferdinand ( «Intrigue and Love» by F.Schiller), De Guiche ( «Cyrano de Bergerac» by E.Rostand), Velikatov ( «Talents and Worshippers» by A.Ostrovskiy), Sirelli ( «The Crazy for Reasons beyond their Control» by Pirandello), Professor Preobrazhensky ( «Dog’s Heart» by M.Bulgakov), Dorante ( «Nobleman — Bourgeois» by Molière) and many, many others.