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ïîäïèñàòüñÿFaith. Hope. Love. These words are intimate for every person regardless of their social status, age, and religion. The Temple of Soul is non-material. It is inside us!
It’s not a secret for everyone that the peace and comfort of mind doesn’t always depend on the financial stability. It is within the powers of every person to bonify, to make good.
In summer at the period of calmness when all the students and professors are on their vacations the team of professionals which develops the IGUMO web-site decided to create a specialized web-site. They are impressed by the idea of the reconstruction of the Church of the Grebnev Icon of the Mother of God. More than 100 years the Ancient Icon gladdened the hearts of the Muscovites with its wholesome beauty.
Gone through the years of Revolution, the Civil War and the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, the Church was burned down in 2007. A new Temple is under construction now. The Institute professionals have created the Web-Site for the Spaso-Grebnev Parish where the construction of a new Temple, a copy of the historical monument, is realized,
It is unbelievable that the wooden Icon under the name of which the Old Church was created, wasn’t burned out at the fire. Connected with this icon are legends of the time of the 300-year struggle of Russia with the Mongolo-Tatarian Yoke.
By the way, to support the decision of the Web-site creating the IGUMO Governing Body decided to help to the Grebnev Icon Parish School where kids of the preschool age study Religion, Singing and Drawing.