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ïîäïèñàòüñÿApril, 13, 2011 at the Russian State Academy of Intellectual Property an international conference took place. The question on the agenda was the problem of Internet piracy. At this authoritative forum the Institute for the Humanities and IT was represented by a group of IGUMO postgraduates and four-year students of the Law Department headed by Rector M. Volynkina, Prof., Ph. D. (Law).
The main issues discussed at the conference included methods of fight against illegal usage of intellectual property objects in the Internet, the tendencies displayed by legislation and court practice at the sphere of Internet piracy, the technical peculiarities of audio-visual products defense, and the legal mechanisms of the content spreading in the World Wide Web.
The scientific community came up to the conclusion: it is necessary to toughen up legal regulation in the sphere of intellectual property which often falls prey to «pirates». It is necessary to develop the public sense of justice along with the bringing individuals who break the legal right of the intellectual property possessors to criminal, civil and administrative responsibility.
On account of the Internet piracy the European countries lose annually more than 10 million euro and the U.S.A. lose 15.8 billion dollars. In Russia this indicator is very high, too. The whole world community should consolidate their powers in the fight against the Internet piracy.