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Don't search in naval encyclopedias for the name of this admiral or some information about his battles. We mean the dean of the faculty of advertising and PR, Doctor of economic sciences, Assistant Professor Elena Vladimirovna Ribokene. It is she who arranges some intellectual sea and battles in economics in the process of her classes.
The first-year-students of the faculty of Law and of the faculty of Journalism took on the roles of competitors in the battle in economics class. September, 28, 2011, during the class not only did they have to demonstrate either their knowledge but to recall in their memory an old popular game for the sake of scientific knowledge.
Instead of dry writing tests the students of the ffaculty of Law and of the faculty of Journalism were suggested to join a sea battle with the teacher. Each student got a questionnaire-list «A» and a list with the possible answers «B». one could hear: A 1 — B 7, A 2 — B 4, A 3 — B 14 … immediately followed the verdicts: «The top ten!» or «Off the mark!» The teammates picked up the baton. Thus, the final result was the victory of the collective mind, but each took his individual lesson from the game.
In addition, the students of the institute solved some economic tasks which were but taken from «living» economics.
Within a period of 5 minutes the lawyers and journalists identified all the pros and cons both of the market and systemic economy. Of course, at first sight these diametrically opposed forms of training cannot be represented from the point of view of a pure prospect, there are both variable components, and elements of diffusion in them. What type of economic knowledge will we face in the future?
During the innovatively built seminar the students demonstrated their sufficient readiness to accept the difficult economic matter.
Institute for the Humanities and Information Technology (IGUMO): ultimate responsibility ineducation, a tireless search for innovative forms of teaching.