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September is the first month of each academic year in IGUMO.
The students of such IGUMO Departments as the Department of Law, the Department of Economics, the Department of Management, the Department of IT, the Department of Psychology, the Department of Advertising and PR, the Department of Foreign Languages and the Department of Drama have their academic year started on the 1st of September, and the very new IGUMO Department of Design welcomes its students on the 19th of September.
The IGUMO teaching staff claims, that the students have definitely been missing the classes during their summer vacation, therefore they do not only attend each lecture, but they also take part in various discussions and initiative activities.
The first-year students are genuinely interested in the subjects related to their future profession.
The very new Art-studio in IGUMO is not meant just for the students of the Department of Design. The future specialists in the sphere of Advertising and PR study drawing as well, because according to the professionals from the Department of Advertising and PR, the representatives of initiative and public professions have to know all the peculiarities of drawing, in order to be aware of such important things as colouristics and layout. Not to mention the fact that the future specialists of Advertising and PR ought to have a good taste and be many-sided.
All in all, the Institute for the Humanities and IT is, as usual, completely prepared for the educational process – the auditoria and lecture halls had their renovation during the summer vacation; they were modernized with new equipment; exclusive studios and offices have been brought to existence.
The latest intake of students in IGUMO did not go smoothly on account of the low birthrate in Russia in the 1990s. And despite the fact that many institutions of higher education have such problems, we are glad to tell you that the number of IGUMO students has increased, which is especially important and pleasant in this 20th anniversary of IGUMO!
The Institute for the Humanities and IT (IGUMO): Ultimate Responsibility in Education.
