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ïîäïèñàòüñÿThe specialists who mastered a progressive way of getting good knowledge have got the very optimum for the life of our time. In this sense the Diploma of the Specialists of the Innovation Technologies can be considered unique. In 2011 the exclusive group whose area of specialization was «Innovation Technologies» graduated from IGUMO.
Five years ago the Institute for the Humanities and IT launched this Department in response to the society needs. And now we can state with confidence that the first extra-class specialists with exclusive competences have made their way in life! At their professional toolkit the young innovators have the knowledge of management, basis of law, a strategic way of thinking, a grasp of psychology methods, the knowledge of the newest informational technologies and advanced knowledge of English as a plus. They have got two National Higher Education Diplomas at once: the Diploma of Specialist of Innovation Technologies and the Diploma of Translator!