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October, 7, 2011 was the best day of the last week not only because of the lovely autumn weather which brought a very good mood. The students of the Institute for the Humanities and IT were in a cheery mood anyway because on first Friday of October there was the traditional Student Initiation Ceremony.
Having opened the Ceremony, M. Volynkina, Prof., the Dean of the IGUMO, congratulated the first-year students on the beginning of their student life and wished them good luck!
And then… the conference-hall of the Institute turned into Circus. The show was spectacular and entertaining! The fakirs and the mimes, the fantastic personages and classical acrobats performed professionally. It did credit to our Drama Department because the performance of the second-year students (A. Bordukov, stage director, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation) could cash up as a famous circus.
The show was followed by the best wishes of the Dean’s Offices, warm embraces and handshakes, and the traditional photos near the Stone of Knowledge which for many years meets all of the students of the Institute.
The students got the Ethics Codes of the Institute which proved that since that moment they obtained students’ rights and responsibilities. The Institute for the Humanities and IT is the reputable Institution of Higher Education and it intends to preserve its high rating!
Good luck, friends!
