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On 15 November 2012 the students of IGUMO Law Department led by T. Kazina, retired judge, Dean of the Law Department, and V. Kovaleva, IGUMO Law Expert, an IGUMO postgraduate student, went on an excursion to the Museum of Pretrial Detention Center ¹ 2 colloquially known as Butyrskaya Tyurma (Butyrka prison). But it was not just curiosity which brought them there. Their future profession forces them to know all aspects of law, to understand the causes and effects of offences and crimes, to realistically estimate the «criminal talent» of citizens who violate the law. Correctional institutions have been a hard reality at all time. And it is an inexcusable light-mindedness to pretend that such institutions do not exist only because we have not been there. It is on the one hand. On the other hand, having visited Butyrka, probably none of the future lawyers will be able to «coop up a person into prison» for the sake of the positive crime detection statistics or other self-profit reasons.
V. Kovaleva, IGUMO postgraduate student, not only depicted the prison way of life but shared her impressions about that place.
As a retired judge T. Kazina commented the unusual excursion saying that «Butyrka gives such people a chance for correction».
The IGUMO Law Department students posted the comments at the site emphasizing that such excursions help realize the inside essence of law.