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This is the issue of the day! At the close of the year the feeling that the cohort of Juliuses Caesars study at IGUMO tackling a dozen jobs at once appears more and more often.
Let’s begin with the examination session. It is not a simple matter nowadays. This year the Russian Establishments of Higher Education have launched a new System of Educational Standards which is considerably different from the previous one (adopted in 2000). The fundamental changes of the content and organizational aspects demand from the Heads of the IGUMO Chairs not only the academic programmes renewal but also the creation of a more progressive rating system for the students. New standards relied on the competence-based approach in education demand for a more effective rating system of the academic achievements. As a result, a lot of the academic disciplines at IGUMO got the point-rating system. For sure, the work at the Internet training stimulator with the tests of the Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Education and Science provided its effectiveness. It is natural that the innovations touched the first-year students, very young with the habits of yesterday’s pupils. However, this year the tendency is changing clearly: the motivation is rising; the exams are passed with great success!
The examination session requires a great amount of efforts, but as the practice shows it doesn’t turn the IGUMO students into swots. At the same time they can do a lot of useful and interesting things, for example, to enlist the support of resourceful Dragon (the symbol of the New Year) which «teleported’ the crossword compiled with his own hands (or feet?) to the Institute Student Newspaper „IGUMO news“ to check the readiness of the Institute for the Humanities and IT for their meeting.
The promised prizes were awarded to the most intellectual and efficient students:
A. Shtein, first-year student of the Department of PR;
A. Privalova, third-year student of the Drama Department;
D. Bertov and H. Adiev, third-year students of the Department of Law;
the third year students of the Department of Economics (group 3 EGE);
the third-year students of the Department of Management (group 3 EDM).
Our little Dragon evaluated the tactic of the future economists and managers, though at first he insisted on awarding only one representative of each Department. And here are the whole teams! However he was pleased by the decision of the third-year students of the Departments of Economics and Management to give their gifts to the children of the Orphanage, which the IGUMO Initiative Group under the direction of E. Ribokene, Prof., Dean of the Department of PR, is going to visit. By the way, the same decision was made by the students of the IGUMO Department of Law. It’s really unexpected – the new-found maturity of the students who are very far from reaching the natural age of maturity gives real comfort!
The Dean Offices participated there as well. The Dean Office of the Department of Law prepared toys and sweets presented by the laureate students, the Department of Economics and Management gathered stationary of every sort and kind, the Department of Design prepared sets of paints and color grease paints, the Drama Department – fairy-tales collections. The New Year gifts, sweets and other pleasant staff which can beautify the holiday were brought to the Department of PR by the representatives of the Department of Journalism and other members of the IGUMO staff. The children knew about their future quests and gifts and waited for this meeting with impatience.
By the way, coming back to our crossword, it is worth saying that the most efficient and well-educated representatives from the „adult league“ became Leshchenko E., IGUMO post-graduate student, research assistant of the IGUMO Legal Office, Golovchanskaya V., Deputy Dean of the Department of Psychology, Martirosova A., Rector’s Secretary.
Thereby all the students and the Staff of the Institute became the winners of the little Dragon’s nominations and approved: IGUMO is ready for the New Year! We have the achievements to be proud of and the plans to strive for!