The Department of Economics
The Department of Economics of the Institute for Humanities and IT is a top class and an example of the best traditions in economic education.
The term «economy» comes from the Greek words oikos — home, motherland and nomos — learning, law. It means the art of ménage, managing one’s hearth.
Nowadays economics is the sum total of human activities for full-fledged life plus fundamental science methods facilitating means of enterprise management and human relationship in the sphere of goods and services production.
Higher economic education is a guarantee of promotion and subsequent wealth and home comfort.
Economic Department of IGUMO and IT is a start for a successful career.
Economists, accountants to be are taught on the basis of modern IT technologies. Actual case study methods are used in hands on training sessions and students get to know about insights of well-known companies.
The Department is highly rated because of modern teaching techniques and the fact that we take each individual student and make the very best of him or her. It enhances students’ motivation and zeal to get profound knowledge in business.
Welcome to the Department of economics!
Focus areas at the Department
080100 Economics
Focus subareas:
Economics and Organization of Enterprise
Internet Marketing
080201 Management Qualification: Manager
Normative period of training for day department students: on the basis of 9-years school education is 2 years and 10 months.
