The Department of Drama
Drama Department of IGUMO happened to be the first alternative venue for classical institutions where future prima actors were trained in acting technique.
The profession of an actor is one of the most prestigious and interesting. It gives man the road to stardom, success and recognition. The path of actor is thorny and difficult, but if you dream about theatre and movies, about difficult, but creative and joyous labor, the choice has already been predestinated from above. The unique Drama Department is willing to help all those who are crazy about the stage.
In order to enter Drama Department of IGUMO, one should take part in intense competition. The acknowledged masters of IGUMO will help you master the profession of an actor. Highly professional specialists whose names are familiar to all of you owing to your favorite performances and movies will be your teachers. Of great interest for the students-future actors of the Institute are master-classes held by V. Kornev, People's Artiste of Russia who played the part of Ikhtiander in the film «Man – amphibian».
The repertoire of the Institute theatre is diverse: «Happy Birthday Party of Smirnova» by L.Petrushkovskaya, «The Adventure of the Curious Elephant» by R.Kipling, «Nedopesok» by U.Koval, «The Glass Menagerie» by T.Williams, «The Bench» by A.Gelman, «Two on the Swings» by W.Gibbson, «Alice in Wonderland» by L.Carrol… The playbill of Drama Department of Theatre Arts grows more and more varied year in year out.
The graduates of IGUMO attained a high professional level and successfully compete with the students of other institutions’ departments.
The graduates of Drama Department are employed in best theatres of Moscow: The Central Academic Theatre of Russian Army; Moscow Drama Theatre of Armen Gigarkhanyan; Modern; Moscow Drama Theatre of Ruben Simonov; Benefit Performance; Chalk; Moscow Musical Theatre of Gennady Chikhachev, in the Obraztsov State Academic Puppet Theatre, etc.
A lot of the undergraduates receive invitations from theatre, film, TV and pop projects managers, play roles in films and in TV film series, participate in TV shows.
IGUMO Drama Department welcomes you! The theatre stage is to come! Let your dreams come true!
The Department trains students in the following specialties:
070201 Acting
Ilya Iosifov, a young but already famous theatre and movie actor, a student of IGUMO Drama Department.
In the first year of my study at IGUMO I made my debut in a movie and immediately rolled one of the main parts in the film «Yunkera». My classmate A. Simonyants was also filmed there. Then I got some other job offers. During the years of my study I played parts in films 15 times. It was hard work in the film series «Tatyana’s Day», «Katya», «Bullet fool» (it was there and then that I met Art Director of IGUMO Drama Department Vladimir Borisovich Korenev, People's Artiste of Russia). Yu.V. Klepikov, our course master, helped me a lot in my self- implementation. I also take parts in theatrical performances. I sincerely wish my Institute and my beloved Drama Department good progress and full development.
